best rank trackerSEO Tools Reviews

Why DinoRANK Offers the Best SEO Keyword Tracking

One of the first investments I suggest for anyone looking to gauge the impact of…

One of the first investments I suggest for anyone looking to gauge the impact of their SEO strategies is to get a robust keyword position tracking tool.

But, is Google Search Console not enough?

While GSC’s data is incredibly valuable, it only takes into account keywords that have started to gain traction, meaning those that are generating impressions.

If you’re aiming to track the progress of all the keywords you’re working on and keen on ranking, you’ll need a specialized software to monitor them—a keyword tracker.

In my daily routine, I rely on DinoRANK and its position tracking module. It stands out as one of the best tools for keyword tracking I’ve come across, offering an excellent balance of quality and affordability.

A Quick Look at DinoRANK’s Position Tracking

  • Monitor keywords for any website you want.
  • Organize them into folders based on your goals or search intentions.
  • Get geolocated tracking for all your keywords.
  • Discover your actual position in the SERPs.
  • View changes in your keywords through various graphs.
  • Identify your competitors and keep tabs on their progress.
  • Create customized SEO reports with the most relevant data.
  • Receive alerts about shifts in your rankings.

In this post, I’ll walk you through the advantages that, in my opinion, make this position tracker one of the most compelling options on the market today, compared to various other tools.

Plus, I’ll show you how to fully leverage what might be DinoRANK’s most powerful feature as a keyword tracking and research tool.

If you’re searching for the best way to professionally track your keywords and their positioning on Google, this article will guide you on how to do just that.

best rank tracker

Why Choose DinoRANK Over Other Keyword Monitoring Solutions?

One of the main considerations when purchasing an SEO tool is often its price. This is especially true when you’re just starting out and operating on a tight budget.

However, cost shouldn’t be the only factor to consider if you want your investment to truly benefit your digital marketing strategy.

In the case of a rank tracker, it’s crucial to ensure that the number of projects and keywords it can monitor is sufficient to meet your needs and doesn’t fall short as soon as you start working on your SEO project.

In the table below, I’ve compiled a comparison between the most cost-effective plans of the most popular keyword tracking tools in the industry.

Comparison of Tools with Position Tracking Features
DinoRANK semrush ahrefs SE Ranking seocrawl SEO PowerSuite – Rank Tracker
Projets Unlimited 5 Unlimited 10 Unlimited 1 Unlimited
Keywords 400 500 750 750 100 Only Those in GSC Unlimited(*)
Frequency Daily Daily Weekly Daily Daily Daily Daily(*)
Price 33,00 € /month $129,95 /month 89,00 € /month 49,00 € /month $26,00 /month 9,00 € /month 99,00 € /year
(*) Rank Tracker from SEO PowerSuite runs on your own machine. This means higher resource usage and the need to keep your computer on if you want to keep the position tracking up-to-date.

As you can see, DinoRANK strikes an excellent balance between its features and pricing. It might not be the cheapest option out there, but in my view, it’s very affordable for all that it offers.

Now, if there’s one thing I particularly appreciate about DinoRANK’s position tracking, it’s its simplicity.

And by simple, I don’t mean basic in terms of its tracking capabilities. Not at all.

What I mean is that this tool is very intuitive and easy to use. You’ll be able to handle it skillfully within minutes, despite all the functionalities and advanced filters it offers.

In the next section, we’ll delve into all these features in detail, and you’ll see how DinoRANK’s position tracking can help you take a qualitative leap in managing your projects.

How to Maximize the Benefits of DinoRANK’s Position Tracking

We’ve briefly looked at some of DinoRANK’s position tracking features and I’ve highlighted the advantages I find most relevant for monitoring results.

However, when I consider acquiring a tool, I tend to question the descriptions on sales pages and seek to understand more about its functionality, often turning to videos or tutorials.

You might be wondering now if position tracking is really a utility you need for your projects.

Or perhaps you’ve already acquired DinoRANK and want to learn how to make the most of what it offers.

Whichever the case, I believe the following guide will be very useful to you.

Let’s explore everything you can do with DinoRANK’s position tracking.

We’ll do this in a tutorial format, moving away from mere commercial descriptions to a more practical approach.

Let’s get started!

Register Your Project in DinoRANK

The first step to monitor your website’s keywords is to register it in the tool.

Just click on the “New Project” button in the top menu and fill in your website’s details.

new project

Pay close attention to the “Country” and “Language” fields, as these are crucial for accurate keyword tracking.

As you know, Google’s SERPs vary based on the user’s location or the language of their browser.

Therefore, it’s essential to understand your audience to measure results accurately.

But what if I’m targeting multiple countries? Or if my website is in several languages?

In that case, you’ll need to create a project in the tool for each country-language combination you want to monitor.

DinoRANK allows you to configure unlimited domains, even on its most basic plan, so there’s no issue in creating all the projects you need.

Add Your Keywords to DinoRANK

Once your project is set up, the next step is to add the keywords you want to monitor.

In the project’s control panel, click the “Add Keywords” button. A window will appear where you can enter your keywords.

add new keywords

Additionally, you’ll need to specify if the set of keywords should be monitored for search results from desktop, mobile, or both.

It’s important to note that each DinoRANK plan has a maximum number of keywords that can be tracked, and the same keyword tracked on mobile and desktop counts as two separate keywords.

Keep this in mind and choose each device wisely to avoid exhausting your keyword limit.

In this same window, you can create clusters to group your keywords. We’ll delve into this in more detail later.

Finally, if your business is focused on a specific locality, you can indicate this as well. By doing so, searches will be conducted locally, and tracking will be tailored to the results of a specific area.

Discover Other Ways to Add Keywords to DinoRANK’s Tracking

If you want to add new keywords to your project at any time, DinoRANK makes it easy.

Besides the button found on the position tracking screen itself, the tool has buttons in different sections for quickly adding any keyword of interest.

This is the case with the Keyword Research or Visibility and Competition modules. In both instances, you can select the keywords you want to track and send them to the tracker with just a couple of clicks.

add tracking

Learn About All the Information Provided by the Keyword Position Tracking

You’ve seen how easy it is to set up the list of keywords you want to track with DinoRANK.

Now, let’s take a detailed look at everything we can find on the position tracking screen.

To be honest, I believe this section boasts one of the cleanest, most intuitive, and yet comprehensive interfaces I’ve seen in this type of tool.

But that’s just my opinion.

I’m going to show you in detail so you can draw your own conclusions.

The Keyword Tracking Table

The central part of this screen is occupied by a table with the set of keywords we are tracking.

tracking position table

The table features several columns through which we can sort, offering key information such as the keyword itself, its search volume, estimated organic traffic, and its positions over time (current, previous day, the position it held when first tracked, and the best average position it has achieved).

We can also see which URL from our website has ranked for each keyword, and whether the search is for desktop or mobile.

But beyond this fundamental monitoring information, the table provides other very intriguing data.

For instance, there’s the “Real Search” column. Here, we can check if, for a specific query, Google displays various elements in the SERPs that might affect our ranking.

That is, if our website appears as the top result for a keyword, but is preceded by an image carousel, a video block, and a news pack, that top position isn’t as advantageous as the data might suggest.

DinoRANK alerts us to this through the real search column and also shows us what we’re up against.

Furthermore, each keyword row includes a graph, which we can expand to view the keyword’s performance over time.

evolution keyword

This graph also allows us to add notes, enabling us to pinpoint specific events. For instance, we can mark if there was a server error, if we faced any penalties, or if we implemented a particular SEO strategy.

add note tracking

Finally, the table allows us to select multiple keywords to either export them or remove them from tracking.

Different Viewing Modes

When dealing with a large number of keywords, it can be challenging to track their progress without tools that help us focus on what’s relevant.

In DinoRANK, we have a search function to quickly find a specific word, but we also offer a set of really useful filters.

For instance, we can view keywords in groups, either by folders (which I’ll explain later) or by the ranked URL.

filter tracking

Or, we can highlight the keywords that interest us most and view only these favorite keywords on the table.

filter list highlights

And we can even narrow down the results to what has occurred within a specific time period.

filter date tracking

But you can also:

  • View keywords where we have cannibalizations.
  • Display only desktop or mobile searches.
  • Review keywords that have lost positions in the last day.
  • Or those that have improved in the SERPs.

In short, all these DinoRANK filters are incredibly helpful when analyzing your keywords and understanding the behavior of your project and its positions on Google.

Share Your Keyword Tracking

If you work with clients, this feature will be extremely practical.

Often, we need to report on the impact our SEO efforts have on the projects we manage.

And there’s no better way to demonstrate our results than by showing the evolution of the website’s ranking whenever needed.

Thanks to the “Copy direct link” button in DinoRANK’s position tracking, you can share a direct link to the keyword table with your clients.

link tracking

In this way, they can check day by day the results we are achieving in improving the website’s SEO.

Group Your Keywords into Folders

If you’ve read the previous sections, you might have noticed that I’ve mentioned the idea of organizing keywords into folders or clusters several times.

Now, let’s explore what this function is all about.

Grouping keywords into clusters is crucial when setting goals.

Imagine, for instance, that your website has a blog section and another section where you sell some kind of product or service.

You likely have more informational keywords, which might be easier to rank but don’t directly generate revenue, and more transactional keywords, which are harder to rank but more lucrative in terms of monetization.

Keeping all these keywords mixed in the position tracking might not make much sense, as the strategies to rank one type of keyword versus another can vary.

DinoRANK allows you to create folders (or clusters) to classify your keywords.

Thus, you could create a folder named “blog” for all the more informational keywords and another named “commercial” for those more related to sales.

folder keywords

Another example would be a website with different categories, where you might want to monitor the evolution of keywords related to each category separately.

In this case, you might want to create a cluster for each of the website’s categories.

Using clusters in DinoRANK is very straightforward.

You can do this when adding a set of keywords to the position tracking, or by going to the folder view, selecting all the keywords you want to include in the cluster, and specifying the folder you want to add them to (or create a new one).

add keywords folder

This approach provides a much more organized view of your keywords.

But that’s not all. Clustering also allows you to understand how a group of keywords is performing as a whole.

Next to the cluster’s name, there are a couple of icons that display a performance graph for the keywords in that cluster, both individually and based on their average rating.

evolution cluster

It should be noted that this same graphical view is also available in the URL view. Thanks to DinoRANK, you can easily track the progression of your website’s main URLs.

Monitor Your Competitors’ Performance

But in the SERPs, we’re not alone. There are many other websites competing for the same searches as us.

And many of them are backed by other SEO professionals trying to improve their positions.

Therefore, it’s important to identify our competitors and keep tabs on them.

DinoRANK’s position tracking includes a “View Competition” button that you should not overlook.

This feature performs an analysis of your keywords to identify websites that are ranking for the most keywords in common with yours.

With just a click, you can find out who you’re competing against.

competition tracking

In addition to this general overview, DinoRANK also allows you to track the progress of your competitors for a specific keyword.

By clicking on the violet eye icon, you can view all the keywords that a particular domain is ranking for.

Click the button with two crossed arrows in each row of the keyword table to see which websites are ranking best for that search and how their positions have changed over time.

competition keyword

This way, you’ll know whether your actions are yielding better results than your competitors, or if you need to tweak any aspect of your SEO strategy.

Monitor the Evolution Graph of Your Keywords

We’ve seen how you can track your keywords through the position tracking table.

In addition to this table, DinoRANK provides a more aggregated view, where you can see at a glance the effectiveness of your SEO actions.

This graph displays the distribution of your keywords across the various pages of Google for a set of dates.

evolution graph

Ideally, as time progresses, you should see an increasing number of keywords appearing on the first pages of the search engine.

If that’s not the case, it would be wise to sit down and reflect on what might be happening and how you could improve your results.

Set Your Alerts

Typically, we have a wide range of keywords we want to position our website for.

However, there are usually some keywords that are particularly critical for our business and which we want to monitor closely.

DinoRANK offers the possibility to set alerts for these crucial keywords.

To define a new alert, simply select the relevant keyword, choose the comparator (whether it loses or gains positions), and specify the position in the SERPs at which you want the alert to be triggered.

alert tracking

With this simple setup, the tool will send us an email if there is any significant change, allowing us to react as quickly as possible to address it.

Export Your Keywords and Create Your Own Reports

As expected, DinoRANK also provides the option to export the keywords you are tracking, either all of them or a specific subset.

You can export this data in a PDF format, ready for printing or emailing, or in Excel format for further analysis and work.

download tracking

If what you need is to create a more customized report to send to your clients, you have a very useful configuration tool at your disposal.

With this feature, you can select the specific keywords to be included in the report, the analysis period to be considered, and whether you want to include data from Google Analytics.

You can also add specific observations, as well as a list of specific tasks that have been carried out (for this latter part, you should use DinoRANK’s task manager).

tracking report

Finally, you can schedule the generation of this report to be sent via email on a weekly or monthly basis.

Conclusions on DinoRANK’s Keyword Tracking

To make any decision in life, it’s advisable to have as much information as possible.

Therefore, if you want to improve the ranking of your web pages in search engines, you need to know your starting point and the impact of the actions you take as an SEO.

The position tracking module of DinoRANK offers a simple, practical, and cost-effective way to keep all these aspects under control.

Remember, measurement is fundamental in web positioning.

So, whether it’s with DinoRANK or the tool of your choice, I would advise integrating position tracking into your SEO strategy as soon as possible.

Start making more informed decisions and watch your rankings improve!

Eduard Coromina
Boasting more than a decade of experience in the SEO field, working with both companies and individual professionals, I've spent the last four years at the helm of SEO for DinoRANK. During this time, I've contributed to its development and rise as a key player in the SEO tool space. See you in the SERPs — the learning never stops.

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