[Guide] Pre Post SEO: Free Online ToolsSEO Tools Reviews

[Guide] Pre Post SEO: Free Online Tools

When you work on an online website, you sometimes need to do small, seemingly simple tasks that…

When you work on an online website, you sometimes need to do small, seemingly simple tasks that can take longer than expected.

For example, reduce an image’s weight, check if a word is correctly spelled, create a favicon…

Sometimes a quick Google search will show you online tools that can help you with these tasks, but you don’t always get it right the first time, nor are these tools as free or effective as they seem.

When you have a lot of experience under your belt, you usually have your own repository of tools saved in your Google Chrome bookmarks, for example, but when you take your first steps, it can mean the world to solve some of these tasks.

That’s why we bring you Pre-Post SEO, a website that condenses dozens of online tools to make your life easier (even if you’ve been in SEO for many years…).

[Guide] Pre Post SEO: Free Online Tools

What is Pre Post SEO?

Pre Post SEO is a repository of free online tools that you can use from a single platform.

As these tools are free of charge, they have somelimitations that can be removed by resorting to one of the payment plans.

However, the free option is perfectly fine for solving pitfalls easily and quickly.

Its tools are divided into four thematic blocks:

  • Writing and education. Everything related to text content.
  • Domain tools. Tools related to domain management and analysis.
  • Website management tools. Features focused on more technical aspects.
  • Other tools. A variety of modules related mainly to code, image, text conversions…

Once you access the tool of your choice, you will see that it is very easy to use the platform as it contains only the necessary elements to perform your task.

Besides, below you will always find a small tutorial, so you know how to use it and you have an online support chat on the right side of the screen in case you need more help.

Pre Post SEO advantages and disadvantages

Before we tell you what some of the best Pre-Post SEO tools are, we’ll analyze both the pros and cons we’ve found.

This way, we can help you decide; althoughbeing free tools, you can test them yourself without investing any money.


  • Payment plans are quite economical for what it offers, and you have the option to make monthly or annual payments.
  • It has integrations with Google Chrome and WordPress that make it easy to use some tools while working.


  • Customer service is somewhat deficient.
  • Their SEO tools are too basic and don’t work too in-depth.
  • It’s unsuitable for working a website completely, you will always need specialized SEO tools.

Below we are going to analyze some of the most useful and best performing Pre Post SEO tools.

Content-related tools

pre post seo writing

As you can see in the image, you have 24 content-related tools. The most popular among users (and which even has a direct access in the main menu) is its plagiarism detector.

In the free version you can check texts of up to 1,000 words, which can be 1,500 if you sign up. If you want to analyze more, you will need to access a payment plan.


As you can see in the image, besides indicating the plagiarism percentage in a text, it provides you with three other options: grammar check, plagiarism removal through a paraphrasing tool and downloading the results as a PDF file.

If your content contains plagiarism, the URLs where the same text is found will appear. In the options, you can exclude URLs, so the tool doesn’t consider them.

prepostseo text comparer

Another tool for plagiarism is the text compare, where you can compare texts that are in documents or in a URL or even copy and paste it directly, and the Diff Checker, which works very similarly.

One of Pre Post SEO’s greatest values is its anti-plagiarism tools.

You also have the “Article rewriter”, that is, a spinner in which you can copy and paste a text to obtain another derivative that you can use without creating duplicate content.

However, it is not too refined, and you will probably have to do manual retouching to get a valid text. After all, you have to do it anyway when using any free spinner.

pre post seo rewriter

Below you will find a web comparison tool where you can check the percentage of similarities between two pages: title, meta description, keywords, text…

It can be useful to see how competitors are working out certain aspects of their websites compared to yours or even to check if someone is replicating these details on their pages.

An interesting option if you are starting out in SEO is the URL checker, as it will tell you if the structure and form of your URLs are friendly regarding positioning.

In other words, it will check that your URLs don’t contain meaningless numbers, single characters, etc… making them unreadable to Google and difficult for users to remember.

When you have experience, you know very well what structure the URLs should have, but at the beginning it may be harder to know to what extent a URL is more or less friendly.

A curious feature is the uppercase generator, which is actually used to change a content’s formatting, whether it is a couple of words, sentences or whole paragraphs.

Enter your content and convert it to uppercase. If you enter it in uppercase, you can convert it to lowercase.

Of course, we could not miss a Word Counter that includes the reading time, and a code ratio comparator and text that a website has.

This way you will be able to know if you may be adding too much code to your page that may be hurting the loading speed, for example.

Another curious feature is the ratio of keywords per total number of words of the content, since it doesn’t ask you to indicate which is the keyword of the text, so it’s supposed to detect it.

prepostseo ratio keywords

Another interesting tool is the readability checker as it provides a lot of data about your content, such as the total number of words after removing stop words, the number of unique words (guarantee of semantic richness) or the average number of words per sentence.

Besides, it has a direct access to the grammar checker that will tell you the grammatical errors and typos in the text.

This way, you can optimize your content by combining these two PrePostSEO features.

prepostseo legibility

PrePostSEO has a word combiner that you can use to create long-tail keywords to rank faster.

You can also use it to create your own spinner texts by combining synonyms and formatting them to generate derivative content.

The backlinks verifier is used to check for backlinks to a URL from a list of webpages you provide. It will not only tell you if it exists or not, but also if it’s nofollow and what anchor text it uses.

You will also find a spell checker where you paste the content, indicate the language and the tool will tell you which words you need to correct by highlighting them and indicating the correct form.

pre post seo Online Spell Check

There are also features focused on non-text content such as reverse image search. You upload an image to the tool and it will tell you which URLs it appears in so you can give it context.

And finishing with the content tools, we found a curious but useful one: What is my IP? As soon as you access this feature, it will tell you which IP number corresponds to your current browsing session.

Domain Related Tools

prepostseo domain tools

Now we’re going to analyze the PrePostSEO features related to domain management. As you can see, these are slightly more technical but easy-to-use tools that will allow you to detect errors on your website and obtain useful information.

Let’s start with the DA and PA checker (Domain Authority and Page Authority, MOZ metrics) that will tell you what they are and besides, it gives you the direct link to check how many pages are indexed by Google under that domain.

You can do this with bulk websites and download it into an excel, so it’s a good way to quickly analyze pages where you might be considering getting a backlink.

And with a similar goal you have the Alexa rank checker. You can use it to compare your score with your competitors or to see the metrics of potential websites on which you want to place a link.

The XML sitemap generator is handy because, in just a few seconds, it creates for you the sitemap in XML, HTML and text format so that you can upload it to your domain’s root folder and then send it to Google through Search Console.

prepostseo sitemap

The blog search engine is also related to link building since, by entering a keyword, it allows you to find forums, blogs, websites, social media accounts, etc., where that keyword appears.

Depending on the platform you choose, you can include footprints that will segment the search to make it more specific so that you can find blogs that accept guest posts or even government or educational websites.

The URL extractor provides you with a list of all the URLs of a website, both internal and external.

With the domain age checker, you can analyze up to 10 websites at the same time to know their age with an accuracy that includes day, month, year, hour, minute and second. If you’re considering buying expired domains, this option may be useful.

And closely related to this point is the reverse IP checker, that is, you tell the IP to the tool, which tells you how many domains are registered under it. This can be useful to try to detect the websites of the same company, for example.

Its malware checker is effective in that it connects to Google’s Transparency Report, specifically to the Site Status section according to Safe Browsing, so the information is reliable.

PrePostSEO’s backlink builder isn’t one of the most effective tools because it generates “trap” links that, although they are not harmful per se, are not going to be of any benefit in terms of your website’s ranking.

Much more interesting is the broken link checker to find out which URLs are returning a 404 error. When you use it, don’t panic when you see the list because PrePostSEO shows all your website’s URLs to indicate which one’s work and which don’t.

Be careful! This section ends with a Google pagerank checker which is a metric generated by PrePostSEO using Google search results and Moz score.

Tools related to web management

prepost seo web

Again, we are facing a more technical tools section. You probably don’t know what many of the acronyms you see in the image above refer to, so we are going to explain what each of these features consist of.

First, we find two options related to the DNS of your website: one of them will allow you to know which they are and the other one in which propagation status they are in case you have just bought a domain.

The IP location finder is very practical as it allows you to know where a specific IP is from. You can analyze up to 50 at the same time, which is useful in case someone has tried to access your administration panel or if you are receiving traffic that is hurting you.

If you manage several websites (e.g., niche websites), you may be interested in the Google Index Checker where you can include up to 1,000 URLs to see if they are already indexed.

You also have a tool that transforms emoticons and special characters into HTML codes so that you can insert them into any web page. In the same way, you have a favicon generator, the small web icon that appears in the tab.

And here we come to a very interesting tool when it comes to optimizing a web page: an HTML, CSS, JavaScript and JSON minifier. You just have to paste the code and it returns it to you minified so you can place it on the website. Of course, you must know very well what you are doing.

prepostseo minify

Next, you have an RGB to HEX converter, which allows you to get the color codes in both formats or pass them from one to another depending on the programming language you are using. You can also create your own color using the red, blue, and green bars and get the codes at the same time.

If you have several websites (for example, if you are niche) you have a server status checker. You can enter up to ten domains to check if everything is okay, something practical if your websites are hosted on different hostings.

The spider simulator combines several options that we have already seen before: it replicates what Google spiders will find when accessing a domain: title, meta description, internal links with anchor text… which you can use to check your website, but also those of your competitors.

pre post seo html viewer

HTML viewer is also very interesting, as it shows you the HTML code of any web, so you can see how its structure has been created or, in case it’s yours, detect any possible error.

There is also a feature that allows you to easily crop any image you upload to the tool, either freely or by giving it a specific format for social media.

This is a very practical option if you want to adapt an image for Instagram, whether for the feed or stories, for Facebook, for a YouTube thumbnail…

pre post seo crop images

Format Converter Tool

Finally, there is a large section dedicated to the conversion of formats of all kinds, the section undoubtedly most used by PrePostSEO users.

Nowadays, there are so many different formats of codes, texts, audio, video, etc., with different compatibilities that sometimes you may need to change the format of a file.

Here you will find some of the most frequent conversions:

  • Conversions between decimal, octal, binary, hex format…
  • ASCII Format Conversions
  • Conversions from .txt format to PDF, binary, images…
  • Roman numeral conversions

And let’s not forget the large number of calculators it offers:

  • Adsense Commissions
  • PayPal Commissions
  • Call to Click of a Keyword
  • Coins
  • Discounts
  • Percentages

And other tools such as a password generator, a text editor, a name generator, or a binary code translator.

Is Pre Post SEO worth it?

Now that we’ve finished this tour of Pre Post SEO, you may have come to one conclusion: already many free and paid tools provide the same features.

Although the advantage of Pre Post SEO is having all these tools gathered in a single platform.

This is the perfect web to have it fixed in your bookmarks bar and to resort to it when you need to perform small actions like the ones we have just seen.

Keep in mind that it’s free and has limitations, but even so, it can help you save time on some tasks and eliminate some pitfalls.

Eduard Coromina
Boasting more than a decade of experience in the SEO field, working with both companies and individual professionals, I've spent the last four years at the helm of SEO for DinoRANK. During this time, I've contributed to its development and rise as a key player in the SEO tool space. See you in the SERPs — the learning never stops.

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