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Improve your traffic by working on the linkbuilding of your website

Improving the SEO of a niche, blog, website or online store involves many actions and, one of them, is to work on external linking or linkbuilding. And it is something that distinguishes a good SEO consultant or a professional webmaster from a non-professional one.

The linkbuilding strategy serves to get traffic to your website.

It can be done in two ways:

  • Have more authoritative sites bring you traffic through a link.

  • And that they transmit part of their strength and SEO authority to improve the positioning of your website.

Therefore it is very important to have the external linking under control.

Many times, a digital project is burdened because it receives links from sites that are in other languages, that have nothing to do with the subject matter or that use anchor text that is not related to the content.

DinoRANK's External Linking feature helps you control and improve your external links.

How External Linking works

DinoRANK collaborates in this function with Backlink Shitter, a very powerful and inexpensive tool, following DinoRANK's own philosophy of democratizing SEO.

Through the External Linking functionality, you can pull your external links from your website, but you can also do it with your competitor's domain and extract very useful information.

  1. Enter your website domain

A list of this information, divided by columns, appears below:

  • The backlink you are receiving authority from

  • Page to which it points

  • Anchor text

  • Post title

  • When it has been detected

  • More internal and external link information for that URL.

All these data can be downloaded to your computer for analysis and work.

  • 2. Enter your competitor's domain name

And here is the same list as if you entered your domain, but with information about the external links that your competitors are working on. You can also download them to get information that will give you ideas of new external links that may be relevant to incorporate into your website.

Discover relevant backlinks and improve the strength of your digital project by spying on your competitors

Improve your digital marketing strategy through linkbuilding

Reach the top of SERPS with relevant external links

User reviews of DinoRANK

Here's what some of the most reputable SEO professionals in the world have to say about DinoRANK.

Es imposible hacer SEO sin los datos que DinoRank proporciona. Ha optimizado mucho nuestro trabajo en la agencia, tanto a la hora de hacer SEO on Page, como para ver el progreso de n... [Ver más]

MarĂ­a Ponsada

CEO Seoriginalsweb.com

La gran virtud de DinoRANK es que es una herramienta SEO muy económica pero también muy completa. Cuando inicias un proyecto intentas contener los gastos usando mil y una herramientas gratu... [Ver más]

Francisco Marhuenda Sala

Webmaster laguĂ­adelchollo.com

Gracias a DinoRANK, he aprendido a distribuir el PageRank y los niveles de clicks para dar fuerza a las partes que más me interesan de mi página web. Antes no sabía lo importante ... [Ver más]

Sergio Cordero


Mi proyecto ha crecido en tráfico, autoridad y posicionamiento en palabras clave superimportantes para mi negocio. A pesar de haber trabajado con otras, la magia de WDF*DF y promine... [Ver más]

Marja Morante

Copywriter en marjamorante.com

Tengo varios proyectos, y me ha sido muchísimo más fácil encontrar nuevas keywords para posicionar y saber por las que ya estaba posicionando. Hago keyword research para mis proyectos y de... [Ver más]

Raquel García Arévalo (Taisa)

Informática especializada en diseño web en WordPress taisa-Designer.com

Probé DinoRANK para 3 de mis páginas web, dos de ellas son nichos y una, mi proyecto principal. No esperaba que por ese precio me diera tanto. Al principio dudé de si sería buena, pero tr... [Ver más]

Fabio Serna


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