Control the movement and position of your keywords in Google search results
Get a complete graph of the movement of your competitors for a keyword, with DinoRANK's position tracking.

It's very basic, but what can't be measured cannot be improved. Especially in the field of SEO.
How many times have you ended your day with the high of having improved your website or improved the position of your website or your client's website?
But, when you check the project, it has dropped 2 or 3 places.... O worse. It is no longer on the first page of the SERPS... Panic, pissed off...
Google is like that. And your competition moves with the same goal as you, to climb positions.
That's why you need a tool that helps you to detect errors, to find out as soon as possible if something new has happened in order to act quickly and save time later.
Position Tracking monitors your website's position in the ranking, alerts you if there are fluctuations and tells you how your competitors are ranking in real time
Here's what it offers you:
Track keywords by cluster and sort them by folders.
Graph of behavior and fluctuation of a keyword.
Graph of all your competitors in the SERPS for a keyword.
Geolocated tracking and report download.
It shows the real position of your website in Google SERPS.
Option to track individual URLs of your website.
Hyperprecise, based on our own proxy system.
Easy to use and understand, you won't get lost.
And all this with extremely easy usability.
How Position Tracking works
1. Keyword evolution graph.

It shows you how keywords move in Google search results.
Each column corresponds to a page of results and the height indicates the number of keywords you have on that page.
You can go back week by week to check its evolution.
Check for sudden movements so that you can analyze the causes and correct it quickly.
2. Keyword tracking table.
The options provided by this part of the tool are many and very useful.

Add the keywords you want to control.
The tool tells you if there are cannibalizations for those keywords.
You have a calendar to see what has happened in a period of time or to see if you have been affected by an update.
You can highlight the keywords you are most interested in controlling.
If your project is very large, there is a search engine for you to find any keyword.
You can copy to the clipboard all the words to make your reports.
The table shows you the keywords that go up and those that go down.
You can see the real situation of the competition for the domains you are competing for keywords and take them to the Visibility module for further analysis.
You have the option of downloading a CSV file with all the data of the table also in PDF.
You can group the keywords and also by the URLS, to check that they are all positioning for the keyword you want.
The crossed arrows symbol indicates the evolution, of your competitors' URLs that rank for that keyword.
In the individual graph of the movement of a keyword you can add notes.
It shows you the evolution of that keyword for both PC and mobile.

Indicates the volume of searches for the current position, the previous day, the comparative of the best position achieved and the position at the beginning of the project.
Indicates the URL for which each word ranks.
You can set alerts to receive warnings when there are movements on your keywords to avoid surprises and take the actions you consider.
Locate your rivals in the SERPS. Know what they do to see how you can beat them.
Position Tracking is very concrete and precise so that you can save time in analyzing the movements of your keywords.
It is easier to use and is equally or more complete than other alternatives.