Find out what content your competitors are positioning that you are not positioning yourself
Identify content opportunities, discover new keywords and steal qualified traffic from your competitors with DinoRANK's Content Gap functionality.

But it's not just about stealing keywords from your competitors.
Although also.
For some time now, Google has been giving more and more importance to the relevance, authority and credibility that it considers your website to have.
And how does Google measure this?
Let me introduce you to the "topic cluster" concept with an example.
Imagine a user does a Google search on a particular Audi model.
Juan has a car website where he talks about all brands. On his website, he has a post about that Audi model, but right now it's the only post he has about Audi.
On the other hand, Maria has a car web site similar to Juan's.
And within its contents, Maria has another post about this Audi model and several other posts with which she answers to other searches that users make on the Internet about the cars of this brand.
Which website do you think Google will give more authority and more credibility to talk about Audi?
Exactly, to Maria's.
In this example within the car sector, Audi would be a category, a topic cluster.
And since Maria has better coverage of the searches that users do on that topic cluster, Google will consider her to be a more reliable source of information for Audi-related searches and will rank her post higher than John's.
For today's Google it is very important to consolidate a cluster and therefore understands that, if you are able to answer all the questions in a category, you have the knowledge, credibility, reputation and trust that it wants you to have (the famous E-E-A-T).
And this is what DinoRANK's Content Gap feature does: it analyzes the keywords you are ranking for against those your competitors are ranking for to detect all the content they have that you are missing.
And the benefit is twofold:
The first is because you will find keywords that you had not found doing keyword research, which will allow you to generate more content to attract more quality traffic (and steal it from your competition, by the way).
The good thing about the content gap is that if you analyze several domains, you will see that all of them have some specific content that no other competitor has, so you can add up keywords of opportunity and work them all in your website being the reference.
And the second benefit is that, by finding content that you were missing, you will be able to saturate more and better the topic cluster to generate more relevance in Google's eyes.
So that it doesn't happen to you like it did to Juan.
Thus, the content gap is vital to know how far you are from your competitors in terms of content and can give you ideas of content and keywords of opportunity that you had not found in the Keyword Research.
The final idea is to close the Topic Cluster with all the possible contents that the user may be looking for from that niche in Google or, at least, to offer the same contents that your competitors offer in an easy and fast way.
Imagine the number of post ideas Juan could come up with if he were to analyze Maria's website with the Content Gap function!
Steal keywords from your competitors with Content Gap
Find out what your competitors are positioning that you are not yet positioning.
Generate more expertise in the eyes of Google to rank your content better
Find opportunity keywords in a matter of seconds
How DinoRANK's Content Gap works
The first thing you have to do is to enter your domain and that of your competitors so that the tool finds the keywords that they are already ranking for in Google and you are not.

Graphically, you will be able to see at a glance how far you are in terms of content from your competitors.

And in just one click, you will be able to access the complete list of keywords that they rank for and you don't with all this information:
The keyword in question.
Volume of searches for that keyword.
Estimated traffic that brings that keyword.
What position they are in for that search.
How competitive it is.
With which url they are ranking (so you can analyze it).

In addition, you can download the entire list in excel and add the keywords you want to the position tracking module to start monitoring them.
With all this information and DinoRANK's TF*IDF module, in a very short time you will be positioning your content for these keywords above your competition, and you will be attracting more traffic and sales to your or your clients' business.