
Boost your traffic from Google with DinoRANK

Complete SEO Suite + Quality SEO texts generated with Artificial Intelligence. Position your website easily, effectively and at the same time economically.

A only tool

DinoRANK is an all-in-one SEO suite designed so you don't need anything else.

Created by SEOs

The power of a professional SEO tool designed for everyone.

SEO Software available at

We show that SEO tools don't have to be expensive.

DinoRANK is an SEO tool created by SEOs that helps professionals and positions in Google for professionals and companies

It doesn't matter if you are a small entrepreneur, a large agency, a niche player, a professional SEO consultant or a content writer.


Because we know that SEO is difficult and technical and, especially at the beginning, it is hard to swallow.

Getting visibility on Google costs a lot of time and money, and the SEO tools on the market do not help because they are complicated to use and expensive.

DinoRANK is the opposite.

It is an all-in-one suite that is very easy to understand and use. It has tutorials in each section, it's very visual and doesn't hurt your pocket every month.

Other SEO tools give you a lot of information that you'll never use and you'll end up saturated with everything they offer, which is not easy to learn and master. And, above all, that you don't need.

To give you an idea, there are tools that charge 50 € per month (almost twice as much as DinoRANK) just for one of the functionalities that DinoRANK includes. And you can check this yourself by searching on Google.

Therefore, it is more practical that the SEO tool you choose offers you the features you need, whether it is easy to use and doesn't charge you for things you will never use.

Do you want to know more about DinoRANK?

We make the Universal SEO

DinoRANK was born with the idea of democratizing SEO.

Relation quality/price wild

An elite tool but not only for elites

Do SEO with few clicks

Easy to use and easy to squeeze with tutorials in each section

Here are DinoRANK's features

Learn exactly how the tool can help you.

DinoRANK now includes Artificial Intelligence from the Pro Plan with DinoBRAIN.

Learn more

Position tracking: monitor the evolution of your keywords and those of your competitors.

Monitor the real position of your keywords in Google.

Geolocalized position tracker, both mobile and PC, SERPs fluctuations and possibility of tracking by cluster or keyword groups.

Position tracking: monitor the evolution of your keywords and those of your competitors

Monitor the real position of your keywords in Google.

SERPs fluctuations and possibility of tracking by cluster or keyword groups.

SEO Audit: clean up your website's SEO mistakes quickly

Audit your websites or those of your customers with just a few clicks.

Turn the complex SEO audit process into something quick and easy. 404 pages, 301 redirects, poorly optimized posts optimized posts... all at the click of a button.

SEO Audit: clean up your website's SEO mistakes quickly

Audit your websites or those of your customers with just a few clicks.

Turn the complex SEO audit process into something quick and easy. 404 pages, 301 redirects, poorly optimized posts optimized posts... all at the click of a button.

Semantic promotion: taking your content marketing to another level

Learn which keywords to use, their disposition and the number of times they should appear in your content based on the terms used by your competitors.

If you are a writer or copywriter and you want to get visibility in Google, it is a must for you.

Semantic promotion: taking your content marketing to another level

Learn which keywords to use, their disposition and the number of times they should appear in your content based on the terms used by your competitors.

If you are a writer or copywriter and you want to get visibility in Google, it is a must for you.

Keyword research: find the best keywords

Discover all the keywords that your user searches for on Google and attract qualified traffic to your website.

Keyword research with searches by country, keyword trends and a huge keyword database at your disposal.

Keyword research: find the best keywords

Discover all the keywords that your user searches for in Google and attract qualified traffic to your website.

Keyword research with searches by country, keyword trends and a huge keyword database at your disposal.

Internal Pagerank: distribute well the SEO strength of your page

Learn how to distribute the internal strength of your website optimally to position in Google what you want.

Learn how to manage authority or link juice and tell Google what it should be positioned on your website at all times.

Internal Pagerank: distribute well the SEO strength of your page

Learn how to distribute the internal strength of your website optimally to position in Google what you want.

Learn how to manage authority or link juice and tell Google what it should be positioned on your website at all times.

Internal linking: never before have you seen in a visual way how your site is linked your website is linked

X-ray your web architecture, or that of your competitors, with the internal link map.

See "what a page looks like on the inside in the eyes of Google" and improve its internal structure with this feature.

Internal linking: never before have you seen in a visual way how your site is linked your website is linked

X-ray your web architecture, or that of your competitors, with the internal link map.

See "what a page looks like on the inside in the eyes of Google" and improve its internal structure with this feature.

Cannibalizations: learn how to solve them in a simple way

Leave your web clean of cannibalizations that harm the positioning of your texts.

Find all your cannibalizations in a precise way with DinoRANK and improve the ranking of your content.

Cannibalizations: learn how to solve them in a simple way

Leave your web clean of cannibalizations that harm the positioning of your texts.

Find all your cannibalizations in a precise way with DinoRANK and improve the ranking of your content.

Visibility: discover the keywords your competitors rank for

Your rivals will no longer have any secrets from you.

Get a visibility graph and a list of the keywords that your competitors are already positioning to overtake them in Google.

Visibility: discover the keywords your competitors rank for

Your rivals will no longer have any secrets from you.

Get a visibility graph and a list of the keywords that your competitors are already positioning to overtake them in Google.

Thin content: detect URLs with no traffic on your site

Quickly find the content that Google "doesn't like" on your page.

Once you detect it, you can work on it, improving or eliminating it and thus increase the traffic that it is capable of capturing.

Thin content: detect URLs with no traffic on your site

Quickly find the content that Google "doesn't like" on your page.

Once you detect it, you can work on it, improving or eliminating it and thus increase the traffic that it is capable of capturing.

External link management: control all of your backlinks

Note all the links pointing to your website to control your link building strategy.

Get statistics of your inbound links, anchor text profile, and the text and the tool also alerts you if someone removes a link from you.

External link management: control all of your backlinks

Note all the links pointing to your website to control your link building strategy.

Get statistics of your inbound links, anchor text profile, and the text and the tool also alerts you if someone removes a link from you.

Link building: Discover the websites that link to your own website and those of your competitors.

Get more authority, better positions and more traffic.

Develop a good link building strategy and watch your results soar.

Link building: Discover the websites that link to your own website and those of your competitors.

Get more authority, better positions and more traffic.

Develop a good link building strategy and watch your results soar.

Content Gap: Find out what content your competitors are ranking that you are not doing

Steal keywords from your competitors with Content Gap.

In just one click, you will be able to access the complete list of keywords that your competitors rank for and you do not.

Content Gap: Steal keywords from your competitors with Content Gap

Find out what content your competitors are positioning that you are not doing.

In just one click, you will be able to access the complete list of keywords that your competitors rank for and you do not.

160.000 keywords tracked every day

They are more than the maximum number of bees in a hive.

34 million of active stored URLs

This is the same number of people who connect to the Internet from mobile phones in Spain.

7.000 active domains

This is about twice as many stars as are visible in the night sky.

User reviews of DinoRANK

Here's what some of the most reputable SEO professionals in the world have to say about DinoRANK.

It is impossible to do SEO without the data that DinoRANK provides.

It has greatly optimized our work at the agency, both when it comes to SEO on Page SEO, as well as to see the clients' progress and the performance of each resource.

The biggest advantage is to be able to see all the problems of a page with a simple analysis. It also helps us to track the positioning of keywords and to know in detail the CPC and competition for each keyword.

María Ponsada


The great virtue of DinoRANK is that it is a very economical SEO tool but also very complete.

When you start a project, you try to contain costs by using a thousand and one free tools to analyze your web metrics. your website. With DinoRANK, I don't have to jump from tool to tool.

Your Keyword research has changed the way I approach the writing of posts. The amount of keywords derived and the speed with which they are achieved, made me fall in love from the first moment.

The functionality that has surprised me the most is the position tracking. It is very useful to control the evolution of my keywords and see how the competition reacts.

Francisco Marhuenda Sala

Webmaster laguí

It is impossible to do SEO without the data that DinoRANK provides.

It has greatly optimized our work at the agency, both when it comes to on Page SEO, as well as to see our clients' progress and the performance of each resource.

The biggest advantage is to be able to see all the problems of a page with a simple analysis. It also helps us to tracking the positioning of keywords and to know in detail the CPC and CPC and competition for each keyword in detail.

María Ponsada


My project has grown in traffic, authority and positioning in keywords that are super important for my business. Despite having worked with others, the magic of WDF*DF and prominence to know, at a glance, what my articles must have at a structural level is brutal and I don't need to have deep SEO knowledge.

At first I hesitated because it was less well known than Semrush or Ahrefs but I have managed to rank in the first places in Google for KW with very competitive search intentions.

DinoRANK is intuitive. It tells you at a glance the structure your articles should have to rank above the competition.

Marja Morante

Copywriter in

Thanks to DinoRANK, I have learned how to distribute PageRank and click-through levels to give strength to the parts of my website that interest me most. Before, I didn't know how important it is a good interlinking distribution within my projects.

I continually check the position tracking to see how my website is increasing the visibility of my website is increasing thanks to the improvement balance that I have implemented with this Suite. I have increased the positioning of my website for the strongest and most important keywords of my projects.

DinoRANK has helped me in a very visual and intuitive way to develop an improvement of the SEO On Page of my website, to enrich the texts thanks to the study of the competition and to make an audit from 0 to 100 that has nothing to envy to Crawlers and / or SEO tools with much higher prices.

Sergio Cordero

My project has grown in traffic, authority and positioning in super important keywords for my business. Despite having worked with others, the magic of WDF*DF and prominence to know, at a glance, what my articles should to have at a structure level is brutal and I don't need to have deep SEO knowledge.

At first I hesitated because it was less well known than Semrush or Ahrefs but I have managed to rank in the first places in Google for KW with very competitive search intentions.

DinoRANK is intuitive. It tells you at a glance the structure your articles should have to rank above the competition.

The great virtue of DinoRANK is that it is a very economical SEO tool but also very complete.

When you start a project, you try to contain costs by using a thousand and one free tools to analyze your web metrics. . With DinoRANK, I don't have to jump from tool to tool.

Your Keyword research has changed the way I approach the writing of posts. The amount of keyword and the speed with which they are achieved, made me fall in love from the very first moment.

The functionality that has surprised me the most is the position tracking. It is very useful to control the evolution of my keywords and see how the competition reacts.

Francisco Marhuenda Sala

Webmaster laguí

I have several projects, and it has been so much easier for me to find new keywords to position and to know what I was already positioning for.

I do keyword research for my own and my clients' projects almost daily. on an almost daily basis. I use the audit a lot both for potential clients, as well as to control my projects. And the visibility function is great. To be able to see keywords from other without having access to their search console. My main website is getting more visits and I'm positioning myself in very interesting keywords. I have started a small project and it is already getting interesting organic traffic, without having invested in linkbuilding, only with in linkbuilding, only with content optimization.

With DinoRANK it is very easy to do keyword research, complete site audit and visibility.

Raquel García Arévalo (Taisa)

IT specialized in WordPress web design in

I have several projects, and it has been a lot easier for me to find new keywords to position and to know the ones I was already positioning for.

I do keyword research for my projects and those of my clients almost daily. I use the audit a lot both for potential clients, as well as to control my projects. And the visibility function is great. To be able to see keywords from other websites without accessing their search console. My main website is getting more visits and I am positioning myself in very interesting keywords. I have started a little project and it is already getting interesting organic traffic, without having invested in linkbuilding, only with content optimization.

With DinoRANK it is very easy to do keyword research, complete site audit and visibility.

I tested DinoRANK for 3 of my websites, two of them are niches and one, my main project.

I didn't expect that for that price I would get so much. At first I doubted if it would be good, but after trying Semrush, Ahrefs, Ubersuggest, none has made me fall in love like Dinorank.

I use it daily to track keywords. The semantic prominence function has been a great surprise, it has allowed me to climb has allowed me to climb positions very fast and has generated an increase in my web income.

See at a click all the structure and internal strength of the site, be able to easily perform an SEO on Page audit or to detect cannibalization... I think it's brutal.

Also, it's the first all-in-one SEO suite I've tried that makes you feel part of its community and a part of the project, and I really I really appreciate it.

I tried it for a month and it is clear to me that I am not leaving Dinorank. It is a simple, complete, low-cost tool that take your project wherever you want, making your life easier.

Thanks to DinoRANK, I have learned how to distribute PageRank and levels of clicks to give strength to the parts of my website that interest me most. Before, I didn't know how important distribution of a good interlinking within my projects.

I continually check the position tracking to see how my website is increasing the visibility thanks to the improvement balance that I have implemented with this Suite. I have increased the positioning of my website for the strongest and most important keywords of my projects.

DinoRANK has helped me in a very visual and intuitive way to develop an improvement of the SEO On Page of my website, to enrich the texts thanks to the study of the competition and to make an audit from 0 to 100 that has nothing to envy to Crawlers and/or SEO tools with much higher prices.

Sergio Cordero

I tested DinoRANK for 3 of my websites, two of them are niches and one, my main project.

I didn't expect to get so much for that price. At first I doubted if it would be good, but after trying Semrush, Ahrefs, Ubersuggest, none has made me fall in love like Dinorank.

I use it daily to track keywords. The semantic prominence function has been a great surprise, it has allowed me to climb has allowed me to climb positions very fast and has generated an increase in my WEB income.

See at a click all the structure and internal strength of the site, be able to easily perform an SEO on Page audit or to detect cannibalization... I think it's brutal.

Also, it's the first all-in-one SEO suite I've tried that makes you feel part of its community and a part of the project, and I really I really appreciate it.

I tried it for a month and it is clear to me that I am not leaving Dinorank. It is a simple, complete, low-cost tool that take your project wherever you want, making your life easier.

Fabio Serna

Plans and prices

All our plans include the features you need most you need:

Unlimited domains, a minimum of 400 keywords to be tracked, competitor analysis and competition graph, keyword research and reports for your reports for your clients.

Whether you're big or small, we have a plan for you that's more economical than the one than what you'll find from the competition.

Pay month-to-month or pay annually and save up to 20%.

Starter Plan

Complete SEO Suite with all the tools you need to increase the visibility of your website or that of your clients.

$348 /month

Tax included

Pro Plan


All the features of the SEO DinoRANK suite exclusive to the PRO plan.

5 web architectures and 20 contents per month (no word limit) already included, from DinoBRAIN.

When you run out of them, if you want, you can buy more at a very low price (less than 1 euro per content).
$600 /month

Tax included

Business Plan


All the features of the SEO DinoRANK suite exclusive to the BUSINESS plan.

10 web architectures and 80 contents per month (no word limit) already included, from DinoBRAIN.

When you run out of them, if you want, you can buy more at a very low price (less than 1 euro per content).
$1,200 /month

Tax included

Starter Plan

Complete SEO Suite with all the tools you need to increase the visibility of your website or that of your clients.

$36 /month

Tax included

Pro Plan


All the features of the SEO DinoRANK suite exclusive to the PRO plan.

5 web architectures and 20 contents per month (no word limit) already included, from DinoBRAIN.

When you run out of them, if you want, you can buy more at a very low price (less than 1 euro per content).
$60 /month

Tax included

Business Plan


All the features of the SEO DinoRANK suite exclusive to the BUSINESS plan.

10 web architectures and 80 contents per month (no word limit) already included, from DinoBRAIN.

When you run out of them, if you want, you can buy more at a very low price (less than 1 euro per content).
$130 /month

Tax included

Not sure which plan is right for you?


Don't pay for features you don't need.

Choose the DinoRANK plan that best fits your profile.

And just so you don't have any doubts, take a look at what's included in each plan.


Unlimited domains

1 content DinoBRAIN

DinoBRAIN web architecture

400 keywords to track

Geolocalized Tracking

Real Search

25 Domain tracking

300 TF*IDF analysis

200 Keyword Research

50 Results by keyword

20 Cannibalization & thin content tracking

External linking management

50 Graphical analysis visibility

50 Results by analysis of

White Label Reports

Link Building

Content Gap


Unlimited domains

20 DinoBRAIN contents

5 DinoBRAIN web architectures

800 Keywords to track

Geolocalized Tracking

Real Search

50 Domain tracking

600 WDF*DF analysis

600 Keyword Research

100 Results by keyword

40 Tracking by cannibalization & thin content

External linking management

150 Graphical analysis visibility

100 Results by visibility analysis

White Label Reports

Link Building

Content Gap


Unlimited domains

80 DinoBRAIN contents

10 DinoBRAIN web architectures

2000 Keywords to crawl

Geolocalized Tracking

Real Search

100 Domain tracks

1000 WDF*DF analysis

1200 Keyword Research

300 Results by keyword

80 Cannibalization tracking & thin content

External linking management

300 Graphical analysis visibility

150 Results by analysis of

White Label Reports

Link Building

Content Gap

In addition, DinoRANK is a very visual and easy to understand all-in-one SEO suite.

There are tutorials in each section so that you can watch them whenever you want and learn functionalities that you may not have known about and scale your services.

Tell us who you are and we will tell you how DinoRANK can help you.

If you want to improve your clients' traffic to get more revenue, DinoRANK is your SEO suite.

DinoRANK's Starter plan costs significantly less than what you pay for a coffee a day.

Our goal is for you to make a living from SEO without investing a thousand hours in learning and without spending a lot of money every month.

Get more traffic to your niches and increase your revenue from Google Adsense and Amazon Affiliates with DinoRANK.

It is a very visual and easy to understand all-in-one SEO tool, so it will help you climb rankings and generate authority faster than other tools.

And, in addition, if you subscribe to Dinorank for the whole year you will pay much less money than you would pay for only 3 months of Semrush or Ahrefs.

You don't need more to monetize your niches.

If you are an entrepreneur or have an ecommerce business, time and money are your most valuable resources.

Working on SEO takes time, so it is important that you use tools that are easy to use. And you know that SEO tools are very expensive.

With DinoRANK you will have all the features you need such as Position Tracking, Visibility and Competition or SEO Audit, for less than the cost of a coffee a day.

Because our goal is to make SEO accessible to all digital entrepreneurs.

If you are an SEO agency, you need to improve your SEO and deliver results to your clients.

DinoRANK helps you to get more organic traffic for them, climb positions in the SERPs and improve their ranking, because it is a very powerful, affordable and easy to use SEO tool.

In addition, it generates monthly reports for you to deliver to your clients that are very easy to understand.

About the founders

DinoRANK is the result of the union of two tireless entrepreneurs hungry to create a digital project that leaves its mark on the universe.

The union of the two has made it possible to introduce into the market a much more powerful project with greater projection than what we would have been able to create each one separately.

The idea was created at the first meeting we had.

We didn't know each other and after three or four hours of frantic chatting, the all-in-one SEO tool whose main goal is to make SEO accessible to everyone was born.

Behind this project we are Gabriel Aylagas and Dean Romero.

We have told many times how we met and why we are here.

Basically because of Gaby's insistence, because of my talent to identify opportunities and because of the winning match we make together.

We are the perfect counterpoint and we have the same goal: to democratize SEO.